How to make sure your custom colors separate in Quark.

Here's the situation: you work in FreeHand, create some illustration. Then you grab your Pantone guide, look at it, choose the right colors from FreeHand's default Pantone palette (or you mix some color using Color Mixer) and apply them to the image. Then you export your file as EPS and import it in QuarkXPress.
If you'll try to print separation from Quark, you'll get black in places of your custom color.

Here's the solution:

  • In FreeHand, make sure all your custom colors are set as SPOT COLORS.
  • Give your colors some distinctive names.
  • Export your file and import it in Quark.
  • In Quark, select "Colors..." from the "Edit" menu. (Note: you can freely delete all the unneeded colors - Blue, Green, Red).
  • Now you see your colors, as you named them in FreeHand. Select one of them and choose Edit. In the dialog window select RGB model and check Process Separation:

    Process Separation

  • Do this for every custom color.
  • Now you can do your separations just like you always do them.

    Copyright 1996-1997 by Art. Lebedev