Easter IslandMapJanuary 7–9, 2007 I once got on a plane and flew for three hours, then for thirteen hours, and then for another five hours. And found myself in a familiar place. ![]() I’ve been here before. ![]() Familiar roads. ![]() I think there’s a little town I know just up ahead. ![]() Every snapshot is a landscape straight out of a 19th-century Russian painting. ![]() Suddenly, out of nowhere, the sea appears. Three men walk by: one of them is wearing a T-shirt that says “Teletubby 33” in Russian. ![]() Some kind of mountain. Guess I’ll climb up and take a look. Holy crap, a volcano! It’s got a swamp inside, though. ![]() I began to look around. Turns out, I was on Easter Island. The nearest land—Chile on one side, Tahiti on the other—is about four thousand kilometers away. A Boeing flies here once a day and flies back almost immediately. ![]() Easter Island belongs to Chile—who knew? It’s difficult to say what lures my fellow countrymen to this hole, but there are lots of them here. They must have all been mesmerized by the photos of somewhat dumb-faced but massive idols they saw on the cover of Science and Life while perusing it on the crapper. The ideal length of time to spend on the island is one day. The ideal mode of transportation is a motor scooter. One tank of gas is just enough to drive around the perimeter and all the diameters. There’s only one place that sells gasoline on the island, but in keeping with the canons of the gas station genre, it has a pylon sign with prices out front (though it’s not like anyone is comparison shopping). ![]() The giant statues (called moai) are everywhere. Standing in the middle of farm fields. ![]() Passed out face down in the mud. ![]() Stuck into the sides of the volcano. ![]() Perhaps they were dropped here from outer space? There are actually only two space assets on the entire island. The first is the airfield, shown above. A hill was purposely leveled to lengthen it so that it could serve as an abort landing site for the US Space Shuttle. The second is a research station for monitoring the movement of the Earth’s crust, operated by the University of Chile and NASA. ![]() So anyway, the statues didn’t come from outer space, they were made right here. They’re easy to make—they aren’t carved from stone, but rather from compressed volcanic ash, sort of like pumice. Initially they were small, about a meter or two tall. But then the people apparently decided to go all out and started making ones that were ten meters tall. At some point the entire village drank itself to death, and the unfinished heads were left abandoned on the slopes of the volcano. ![]() Some of the moai have millstone-like hairdos or hats of some kind on top of their heads. These hairdo-hats were made on the other side of the island, where the pumice is red. ![]() Here’s the entire Politburo gathered together. One such hat (on the second statue from the left) could easily crush half a herd of horses. ![]() I had been planning to do an advertising shoot for Ridibunduses here. After locating a statue with no tourists or guides around it, I proceeded to take a few photos (the strong wind kept interfering and blowing the smileys out to sea). ![]() And I almost got arrested: a vigilant guide snuck up behind me and, prior to giving me a good talking-to, photographed me in the process of crossing the conceptual line between antiquity admiration and a criminal offense. Good thing there wasn’t a rock like this one next to that particular moai: ![]() The similarities between Easter Island and our parts aren’t limited to just the nature. There’s something very recognizable about the statues themselves (which are only about 300 years old, by the way). This isn’t Luxor or Athens, after all. If we had volcanic ash deposits in Russia, there’d be heads like this in every village. With eyes made out of coral. Seriously, take a look. Here’s a moai from the opposite end of the world: ![]() And here’s Boris Kustodiev’s painting “Bolshevik”: ![]() A spitting image, no? Right down to the hat. |
january 2007
Easter Island
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